Monday, August 30, 2010
What Should I Be For Halloween This Year?
Yes, my fellow felines, it's that time of year again! Even though fall is not officially here and it's not even September yet, my human is already scanning the internet for adorable, funny, wacky costume ideas for me! For some unknown strange reason, cat and dog owners alike the world over love nothing more than to dress up their pets as if we were dolls! Some of us are more patient than others about this, but, truth be told, at least we're getting attention. And you know we all love attention!
Now, you may or may not recall some of my dress-up days from last year:
Now, you may or may not recall some of my dress-up days from last year:
I must admit I look cute and all, even though I still don't know what all the fuss is about. And I can't imagine what costume(s) my human is going to pick out for me this year....I think she has in mind, however, to take me to Petsmart in the not too distant future to try on some outfits! Oh boy, this should be fun...I've never been there, but I hear they are a "pet-friendly" store! I'm already getting anxious about all the sights, sounds, and smells I'll be experiencing! Hopefully, there won't be any big dogs barking or running around trying to bowl me over and lick me to death!
In the meantime, for those of you curious cats out there, here's a fall preview! Can you guess which costume my human has picked out? Comment below with your choice and/or other suggestions and ideas!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I want to be a "Weather Cat"!!!
Once again, my feline friends, I fear there is some discrimination going on in this "dog-eat-dog world" of ours! They have dog parks, and "dog days", and many cities even have their own "weather dog" mascot! What about us kitties?! Now, don't get me wrong, I like Tulsa's News On 6 Radar, the Weather Dog, and am all paws up that they were searching for both a dog who was in need of rescue, as well as one who would love meeting and interacting with humans. All I'm saying is, what about us cats?? Felines are just as smart and loveable as our canine counterparts! Heck, I would give a tasty tub of catnip to be on the news! And I'm sure I could learn to do some neat tricks to entertain when I'm on the road meowing with the weatherman! Ahhh, on second thought, who I am kidding....I'm not sure if I'd be cut out for that, but I'm sure many of my kittehs out there might be! And wait! I googled, "weather cat", and sure enough, there are already a few 'fair-weather'ed felines making their big break on tv! Check out our cousin, "Bob" here - he's made national headlines!!
So, there is hope for all us cool cats that want to be on the evening news!! Come to think of it, I haven't come across a dog AND cat "weather team"! Hmmm, maybe I should contact News On 6!!!
And now, I leave you with another feline friend trying to make it big, and your forecast for the week - "HOT"!
So, there is hope for all us cool cats that want to be on the evening news!! Come to think of it, I haven't come across a dog AND cat "weather team"! Hmmm, maybe I should contact News On 6!!!
And now, I leave you with another feline friend trying to make it big, and your forecast for the week - "HOT"!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Animal Odd Couple
Now, I don't know about all of my feline and canine friends out there, but up until my recent encounter with wild buffalo (yes, you heard me right - my human actually captured it on video for an upcoming post!), the biggest animal I'd ever seen was my neighbor's great dane puppy! But even the buffalo can't compare with an elephant! And as this week's heartwarming video shows, even a dog and an elephant can be best friends :)
(I don't know about us cats, though! For more on The Elephant Sanctuary - check out the "elecam"!)
(I don't know about us cats, though! For more on The Elephant Sanctuary - check out the "elecam"!)
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Mother's Love.....
It's universal, I think, with all of us mothers out there across the globe, human and animal, to instinctively care for babies, even if they're not of the same species. This video proves my point:
Now I've never been a mom myself, but just hearing these little ones mewing tugs at my heartstrings. And that they were being taken care of by a mother dog, well, it's just too sweet for words. As Lily shows us, "it's just what (mothers) do" - to instinctively love & care for life :)
Now I've never been a mom myself, but just hearing these little ones mewing tugs at my heartstrings. And that they were being taken care of by a mother dog, well, it's just too sweet for words. As Lily shows us, "it's just what (mothers) do" - to instinctively love & care for life :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Calling All Tulsa Cat and Dog Lovers - Woofstock 2010 is here!!
A very special event is happening right in our neighborhood this Saturday! One of Tulsa's largest pet adoption events, Woofstock, will be held from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Riverwalk Crossing in Jenks! Coinciding with "International Homeless Animals' Day", Woofstock is a day for us pets and our humans to come together, mingle, socialize, and have fun! Area rescues and pet-friendly businesses will be on hand at this free event featuring costume and pet trick contests, live music, low-cost micro-chipping, even sessions with an "animal commuicator"! Best of all, Woofstock offers a great opportunity for people who are looking for a pet in need of a good home!! Hope to see all my feline and canine friends there for a 'doggone' good time!!!
Peace out!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Kittens Saved By Heroic Dog!
This week's heartwarming video comes to us from Australia, where a family's pet dog risked his life protecting four kittens trapped in a house fire. Thankfully there's a happy ending! :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Blame it on the DOGS!!
Yes, my fellow felines, those darn "dog days of summer" are upon us once again! I don't know about the rest of you kitties, but to me this summer has been the hottest one on record yet, and I don't think it's just here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I'm at. It's been so hot that even my owners have been staying indoors to escape the heat! Needless to stay, this scorcher of a summer has been making everyone, including me, "dog tired"! I've just been doing a lot of cat napping, and because I live on the second floor with 11 windows, I have no problem finding a nice, sunny spot to curl up in! I don't really like the fans and air conditioner blowing cold air, but I understand my owners' need to keep the temperature from climbing above 80 degrees inside, which these days is near impossible! So usually I'll reserve my play time for after the sun goes down, when it gets a little cooler.
What about the rest of you cats out there? Do you like to sunbathe like these guys, perhaps?
I came across the photo above in "The Scratching Post" which has wonderful safety tips for surviving these extreme temperatures.
I'd love to hear about ways my fellow felines are keeping their cool this summer! Hope you're enjoying yours and don't let it go to "the dogs"!
What about the rest of you cats out there? Do you like to sunbathe like these guys, perhaps?
I came across the photo above in "The Scratching Post" which has wonderful safety tips for surviving these extreme temperatures.
I'd love to hear about ways my fellow felines are keeping their cool this summer! Hope you're enjoying yours and don't let it go to "the dogs"!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Happy Friday the 13th!!
Well, I don't know what all this fuss is about, to me, today is just like any other day. It's not my birthday, either, but there's something about "black cats" going around, being "bad luck" - when & where did this nasty & completely untrue rumor come from? Apparently it's more of a stigma than we think.
Now you can read more about Friday the 13th here and here, but as for black cats, the superstition goes that black cats were at one time long ago believed to be witches in disguise. You can read up on other fascinating 'cat superstitions', too, as well as cool photos of my fellow black felines.
But getting back to the bum rap, according to this article, apparently there's a phenomenon known as "black cat syndrome" going on where darker colored felines in shelters have a harder time finding a home because of the association between their color and bad luck. Some adoption places even restrict black cat adoptions around Halloween for fear that they won't be placed in a good home. Meow-trageous, I say!!
I'm sure I speak for all of my other dark-haired felines out there, that we are probably one of the sweetest and loving group of cats you'll ever come across! Hopefully none of you humans out there have stereotyped us, and as for my particular breed, the Bombay, here's a great site to read more about us! I can tell you, though, we live up to our good-natured disposition and absoulutely love attention! And although, I personally have a tendency to shy away from visitors, I quickly warm up. We're also great with children :)
So to all this black cat supertition going on out there, I only have this to say:
Now you can read more about Friday the 13th here and here, but as for black cats, the superstition goes that black cats were at one time long ago believed to be witches in disguise. You can read up on other fascinating 'cat superstitions', too, as well as cool photos of my fellow black felines.
But getting back to the bum rap, according to this article, apparently there's a phenomenon known as "black cat syndrome" going on where darker colored felines in shelters have a harder time finding a home because of the association between their color and bad luck. Some adoption places even restrict black cat adoptions around Halloween for fear that they won't be placed in a good home. Meow-trageous, I say!!
I'm sure I speak for all of my other dark-haired felines out there, that we are probably one of the sweetest and loving group of cats you'll ever come across! Hopefully none of you humans out there have stereotyped us, and as for my particular breed, the Bombay, here's a great site to read more about us! I can tell you, though, we live up to our good-natured disposition and absoulutely love attention! And although, I personally have a tendency to shy away from visitors, I quickly warm up. We're also great with children :)
So to all this black cat supertition going on out there, I only have this to say:
Just kidding! I'm simply yawning in this photo, I couldn't hurt a fly (well, you know what I mean!)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kitty Exercise
Ok, the other day I posted about some fat cats, and today I thought I'd say a few words about exercise! Now you outdoor kitties out there don't really need to worry about getting a workout in every single day. But us indoor cats, even if we don't have to worry about our weight, should get the daily chance to stretch and run around. Unlike our canine counterparts, we can be content lazying about most of the time, as we do, and don't need to have our humans take us to the cat park (I wish there was one!), although that's a great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, bird watching, squirrel chasing, etc. But if at all possible, indoor cats should get the chance to get some fresh air. My humans realized this when I moved from a house to a 400 square foot apartment for a few months. I really missed running from one end of my home to the other, and through the kitty door into the garage! I also missed watching the squirrels and birds that came to visit my backyard on a daily basis. So although I wasn't too crazy about the idea, one day my human put this thing called a harness on me, and took me outside! Like I said, I wasn't too crazy about this restrictive harness and leash on me, but I understand they didn't want me running away. They didn't have to worry about that - the outside world is a pretty scary place to me. But it's exciting too! For those of you felines who've never been outside, OH the smells, sights, and sounds you experience! And the neighborhood walk didn't stop there - I've also gotten to go to the park, on a boat, play in the snow, and various car outings! I'm still apprehensive when the harness comes out, but I'd rather be with my humans than staying home by myself, waiting patiently for them to come back. I highly recommend and encourage cat owners out there to try taking their pets outside sometime. They'll love it! Or, you could try setting up something like this:
If that seems to complicated, and you happen to have a treadmill, you might try putting your cat on it!
Whatever you do, try not to laugh so as not to distract your kitty! Instead, encourage and reward them with some cat treats! The goal: keep your cat fit and healthy, and they'll "reward" you with lots of love :)
If that seems to complicated, and you happen to have a treadmill, you might try putting your cat on it!
Whatever you do, try not to laugh so as not to distract your kitty! Instead, encourage and reward them with some cat treats! The goal: keep your cat fit and healthy, and they'll "reward" you with lots of love :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Now this is one SUPER FAT CAT!
As far as the cat world goes, I think it's a safe bet that I'm on the smaller than average size. Always have been, always will be. So, as much as I love to eat, I don't think I could ever measure up to this:
I mean, me-WOW!!! Although, this cat does remind my human of one of her previous kitties, Baby:
Yes, they sure do "look" alike, don't they? But I don't think even Baby is quite as big as this kitteh. My human recalls that although it was on a diet of cat food, it was always getting into the dog's food, which may explain her, ahem, wide girth. But, she wasn't always this big:

See, at one point, she was tiny! I hear she's doing well these days, and that she's living the country life, which hopefully means she's getting plenty of fresh air and exercise outdoors and losing weight! I hope my fellow cousin above is on a diet by now! You can read more about her here.
But wait! I think I may have come across an even BIGGER kitty!
In all seriousness, us kitties need to be careful and watch our weight, otherwise, just like our humans, our health can be compromised if we become obese. We should be fed a diet of cat food specially formulated for our needs, with occasional "treats", and follow guidelines by our veterinarian. Indoor cats like me also should be given ample opportunity to exercise outdoors - more on that in a future post!
Till next time, I'll leave you with some more fat cats in the spotlight!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The New, Improved Got Mischief!
Meow! After a hiatus, I'm back! With more tales of fun, adventures and travels!!
I have a brand new blog!
I even have a website now!
You can also find my entertaining videos on my Youtube channel,
and my photo gallery on Flickr!
And of course, I hope you'll fan my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter!
So whether you're a devoted fan, or seeing my blog for the very first time, I hope you'll explore the wonderful world of Got Mischief? - where you can find out more about me and the exciting life I lead!!!
I have a brand new blog!
I even have a website now!
You can also find my entertaining videos on my Youtube channel,
and my photo gallery on Flickr!
And of course, I hope you'll fan my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter!
So whether you're a devoted fan, or seeing my blog for the very first time, I hope you'll explore the wonderful world of Got Mischief? - where you can find out more about me and the exciting life I lead!!!
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About Me
- Mischief
- Tulsa, OK, United States
- Meow! I'm Mischief, a 4 year old female black cat (descendant of the Bombay breed). I'm pretty sweet and loveable most of the time, but I sure can live up to my name! This is my blog, so grab some catnip, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading all about my exciting cat tales of travel, adventure and FUN!!
Blog Archive
- What Should I Be For Halloween This Year?
- I want to be a "Weather Cat"!!!
- The Animal Odd Couple
- A Mother's Love.....
- Calling All Tulsa Cat and Dog Lovers - Woofstock 2...
- Kittens Saved By Heroic Dog!
- Blame it on the DOGS!!
- Happy Friday the 13th!!
- Kitty Exercise
- Now this is one SUPER FAT CAT!
- The New, Improved Got Mischief!
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