Monday, August 16, 2010

Blame it on the DOGS!!

Yes, my fellow felines, those darn "dog days of summer" are upon us once again!  I don't know about the rest of you kitties, but to me this summer has been the hottest one on record yet, and I don't think it's just here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I'm at.  It's been so hot that even my owners have been staying indoors to escape the heat!  Needless to stay, this scorcher of a summer has been making everyone, including me, "dog tired"! I've just been doing a lot of cat napping, and because I live on the second floor with 11 windows, I have no problem finding a nice, sunny spot to curl up in!  I don't really like the fans and air conditioner blowing cold air, but I understand my owners' need to keep the temperature from climbing above 80 degrees inside, which these days is near impossible!  So usually I'll reserve my play time for after the sun goes down, when it gets a little cooler. 

What about the rest of you cats out there?  Do you like to sunbathe like these guys, perhaps?

I came across the photo above in "The Scratching Post" which has wonderful safety tips for surviving these extreme temperatures.

I'd love to hear about ways my fellow felines are keeping their cool this summer!  Hope you're enjoying yours and don't let it go to "the dogs"



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About Me

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Tulsa, OK, United States
Meow! I'm Mischief, a 4 year old female black cat (descendant of the Bombay breed). I'm pretty sweet and loveable most of the time, but I sure can live up to my name! This is my blog, so grab some catnip, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading all about my exciting cat tales of travel, adventure and FUN!!

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