Monday, September 13, 2010

I Want My Mummy!

Well, not exactly - you see, my humans went to the Philbrook Museum of Art here in Tulsa, because they wanted to catch the Egyptian exhibit.  Apparently they weren't the only ones because they were talking about how crowded it was.  Ahh - people!!  Sometimes I feel like Gossamer, you know, the red monster animated cartoon character, who screams and runs away when Bugs Bunny mentions "people" are watching?!

Yup, that about sums up my reaction! I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to crowds of people, plus, I don't think there would have been anything of interest for me at the museum.  And let's not forget, cats aren't allowed anyway.  But I digress....
I did overhear my mistress talking most excitedly about the mummies they had on exhibit, including mummies of dogs!!!  Which led my mistress to do a bit of research on the matter of mummified cats.  Here's what she came up with:
  • In recent years, scientists have learned cats have been around as pets even before Ancient Eygyptian times!  Me-wow! Here's some more info.
  • As far as Egyptians were concerned, the role cats played was not only to help eradicate mice and other vermin, they were said to ward off evil spirits and had a  deity "cat goddess" called Bast, that represented protection, fertility and motherhood!
  • Out of reverence, many cats in Egyptian society received the same mummification as humans after death.
  •  Bowls of milk, mice and rats were placed in the cats' tombs to ensure comfort in the journey into afterlife.
Now, I'm liking the milk part.  And I'm liking the worship part.  But this whole mummy thing kinda sends shivers down my spine!

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Tulsa, OK, United States
Meow! I'm Mischief, a 4 year old female black cat (descendant of the Bombay breed). I'm pretty sweet and loveable most of the time, but I sure can live up to my name! This is my blog, so grab some catnip, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading all about my exciting cat tales of travel, adventure and FUN!!

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